Colombia Enrique Oidor – MostraCoffee

Colombia Enrique Oidor

Roast Level
Light Roast

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Farmer Enrique Oidor grows coffee at his farm, Finca La Esperanza, in La Plata, Huila, Colombia. This wet/washed lot of Colombia-Caturra varietals is a strong representation of the region, offering a sturdy cup with a bit of extra flair.

This coffee is another excellent example of the impactful work done by the Colombia-focused collective, Cedro Alto. By working closely with farmers, Cedro Alto has made significant strides, particularly in harvest selection. In previous years, Karl from Cedro Alto served as a valuable liaison, allowing us to provide direct feedback to producers. This included discovering an unexpected yet fortunate variation in the drying process, which the micro-regional group was able to replicate. As we often say, it's about more than just labels like "Direct Trade." While this coffee might not qualify under that label, it has a more meaningful impact on the farmers than we could achieve alone as Mostra.

To give you a taste of Cedro Alto’s ethos in their own words:
"Coffee came to be cultivated in most of the world as a colonial cash crop, not intended to provide its cultivators with a stable livelihood. While the colonies are largely a thing of the past, colonial mercantilism still characterizes certain aspects of how the sector and supply chain are organized, as well as how many in the industry—from consumers to producers—view the relationships and dynamics within the chain.⁣

At Cedro Alto, we believe that one common aspect in the specialty coffee spectrum is the presence of traceability and transparency information about producers, shared with roasters and consumers. We aim to genuinely give producers a voice in this industry, allowing them to determine their own position, future, and career. One simple but impactful step is to share traceability and transparency information in the opposite direction: what happened to their coffee, how it performed, how it was purchased, and to discuss these matters openly.

The two of us at Cedro Alto work for producers who choose to work with us. Just as I had to deliver periodic reports to clients when I was a consultant—enabling them to decide whether to continue retaining my services—coffee farmers working with us should receive the same service and accountability. They deserve the information needed to gauge our efficiency and performance in selling their coffee and maximizing their earnings. Yes, it takes time and comes with a cost. Yes, it sometimes raises more questions than answers, and can be uncomfortable, exposing us to criticism that could have been avoided. But that doesn't make it any less important."

Flavor Notes
Date Shake, Red Pear, Ceylon tea
2020 Roaster of the Year

Recognized as one of the top roasters in the world.

Mostra is honored to be among the best coffee roasters in the world. It is a significant recognition among the coffee roasting industry and signifies not just great tasting coffee, but a holistic approach to the business of coffee that takes into account ethical, social, and environmental considerations.
