Ethiopia Ababa Gotiti
Light Roast
Gedeb Gotiti Natural Organic is named after the kebele (village) where the coffee is harvested. Smallholder producers from Gotiti bring their cherries to METAD’s collection site in the village, where they are then processed at METAD’s Gedeb washing stations, located in the neighboring Halo Beriti and Udeye kebeles.
METAD is a family-owned business with generations of experience in coffee. Their goal is to invest in and support nearby coffee-growing communities, a mission that has expanded to include over 6,500 members across the Hambela and Gedeb regions. There are currently 14 farmer associations—seven in each region—each named after their respective kebele. Growers in this program receive comprehensive support from METAD’s team, including training from the start, free seedlings, professional guidance at every stage of production, and pre- and post-harvest training to foster ongoing development.
This coffee, grown in the Gotiti kebele at altitudes between 1950 and 2000 meters above sea level, undergoes a Natural process and is dried on raised beds. As an Organic coffee, METAD has earned certification for both its own farms and processing plants, as well as for the farms participating in the out-grower program.
Strawberry Shortcake, White Peony, Kiwi
Recognized as one of the top roasters in the world.
Mostra is honored to be among the best coffee roasters in the world. It is a significant recognition among the coffee roasting industry and signifies not just great tasting coffee, but a holistic approach to the business of coffee that takes into account ethical, social, and environmental considerations.